About This Game Imagine a Diablo-like game with the mouse clicking part replaced by an horizontal shoot'em'up core gameplay.That's what is Drifting Lands in essence: first and foremost an action-RPG (Hack'n'Slash or however you may call this). Then and only then a different kind of shoot'em'up, accessible to a wider audience than usual.Drifting Lands main characteristics are: randomy generated missions for replayability 100 levels of difficulty to climb with your skill or your ability to optimize your gear and powers 70 active and passive powers with various effects: dash, area of effect attacks, time control, etc. a complex item generation system with a lot of stat modifiers to optimize, unique items with "game changer" powers 3 classes of ships for different profiles of players Not your usual bland heroic fantasy universeDrifting Lands is designed to meet both shmup and hack & slash enthusiasts’ expectations.With the choice of your class, you’ll have the opportunity to take control of different ships, best suited to your favorite gameplay style.You’re a super player of bullet hells and don’t mind dying on the first few impacts ?You’ll find a perfect class for you with high-damages / low-resistances interceptors. You’ll benefit from a smart customization of your gear, but your performances on the field will be mainly based on your skill.You enjoy the progressive design of a powerfull build through skills and inventory optimization ?Your class will offer more resistant ships, able to put up with a lot more impacts. But if you want to shine, you’ll have to be smart in the selection of your special powers and how you create synergies with your equipment!Want to report bugs, ask the team what is planned for this or that, suggest ideas or improvements, know what we're up to for the next update...come have a chat in the community section! 7aa9394dea Title: Drifting LandsGenre: Action, Indie, RPGDeveloper:AlkemiPublisher:AlkemiRelease Date: 5 Jun, 2017 Drifting Lands Free Download Game Hacked very nice combination of a bullet hell side scroller and a character progression system via random loot, skills, and stat upgrades. The thing that I never cared for in these types of games is the persuit of the high score chart....could not care less about that. meaningful upgrades and changing equipment? I can get behind that! The game runs smooth as silk, looks nice, can play with controler, or keyboard with rebindable keys so if you say want to use keyboard for movement, and extra mouse buttons for skills, go for it.So far only a few hours in, but things look promising and the content is not lacking.. Bought this game in Early Access. I just came back to see how it was, and the UI was still very bad, very slow gameplay, poor feel of progression. The experience while in the action parts is so-so and the experience outside the action parts is poor. Then was very surprised to find the game is out of Early Access - and sad to see that updates stopped months ago and so no hope for the game to get to a decent footing.. The developers of this game tried to combine the shoot em up genre with the looting system of Diablo. That sounded amaaaaaaaaaaazing to me since I like one genre (shoot em ups) and LOVE the other genre. This is why I really wanted to try it. Now that I've tried it, I wish to GOD that the looting system was done so much better T_T.First, the positives. The abilities are so much fun. There are a lot of abilities and they completely change how you approach various scenarios. In the beginning, I was having trouble with enemies approaching behind me or the side because you can only shoot in front of you. Then, I got an ability that does AOE damage to everything around you. Once I got that, I start coming close to any enemies I was having trouble hitting and then BAM. Dead :D. What was really awesome was finding the perfect combination of abilities (you can equip 4) to deal with as many situations as possible. It felt like creating "builds" in Diablo type games. Well done.Another great thing was the music and art. Very well done.And\u2026\u2026. Yea\u2026\u2026 now the negatives:\t\u2022 The looting system sucks so much T_T. God dammit that was such a letdown. I understand taking INSPIRATION from games like Diablo, but don't copy them verbatim. There were stats such as "increase attack speed" and "increase critical chance". There's also some core stats that for every point, increase weapon damage by "0.35%" or increase skill damage by "1%"\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 Look. I understand that those stats are very important for Diablo and number crunching is very important when creating builds. Seriously, I get it. I played Path of Exile a lot and got to end game. But this is a SHOOT EM UP. There was NOTHING to just increase the number of bullets you fire. NOTHING. Come on. I remember playing a shoot em up back in the day which let you buy upgrades and I was so excited to buy an upgrade that let me shoot missiles in addition to my normal bullets from the front. I didn't give a\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665how much damage the missiles did. I just thought it was cool to shoot bullets AND missiles. When I thought of a looting system in a shoot em up, I was thinking "AWW YEEAAAA. Time to make a ship that shoots bullets, missiles, lasers, cannons, and whatever else I can find :D". Unfortunately, there's only 1 weapon slot\u2026\u2026\u2026 God dammit. Once I settled on a favorite weapon (happened in the first hour of the game), I didn't give a\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665about the loot. Not even the UNIQUE loot was all that interesting. If a loot system doesn't make you excited to get better loot, then it just becomes a chore. It was boring spending a few minutes after every run equipping the higher level stuff and selling off the unneeded stuff. Why couldn't the looting system be more interesting? Why not "for every 20 points in Navigation, you get an additional laser fire. For every 20 points in Structure, you get an additional missile fire. For every 20 points in Power, you get an additional Bullet fire". Just SOMETHING to make the looting system more fun so that I could become more invested in it!!! Bleh.\t\u2022 Unique loot (the best loot) has a high chance to break on automatic retreat. Basically, if you have automatic retreat, it's non-hardcore mode. If you don't have it, it's hardcore mode\u2026\u2026 WHY DO THIS. I don't WANT to play hardcore mode, but that doesn\u2019t mean I don't want to equip the best loot I find!!!! Hardcore mode is an OPTION in Diablo and Path of Exile just to enjoy the CHALLENGE. There are supposed to be NO LOOT BENEFITS to playing hardcore mode\u2026\u2026 so yea I did not like being encouraged to play hardcore mode.\t\u2022 At some point, the game becomes a grind. The only loot that really matters is the weapon because that determines your DPS. It's very important to have a high DPS so that enemies don't survive for too long and fill the screen with bullets. This is not too much of a problem for the first half of the game but at around level 28 it most definitely is. I could feel the game becoming difficult simply because I didn't have enough DPS to kill the enemies in a reasonable time, and DPS is solely determined by loot. Annoying.\t\u2022 The level design is boring as hell. Basically, every level is divided into "stages". The stages are randomly chosen based on a certain pool of enemy scenarios. Guess what\u2026.. There aren't a whole lot of enemy scenarios. In one level, I faced the EXACT SAME enemy scenario twice. Come on man. You couldn't specify in the game design "IF this scenario occurred, take out of pool until level finishes". Even if the developers did that, the game is incredibly repetitive due to unnecessary padding. In order to progress in the story, you need to play the same level 3 times quite often (the missions are LITERALLY called Back to Work (1), Back to Work (2), Back to Work (3)). So yea\u2026.. Very repetitive.This game has SUCH an interesting concept but is executed so poorly that it actually becomes an impediment to enjoying the game. Yes the abilities were really fun, but once I settled on my 4 abilities, the excitement of finding new ability combinations was gone. Because the looting system wasn't interesting, there really wasn't much fun left to look forward to. Sigh.. Diabloesqe loot driven shootem up with nice graphics and fun skills. Levels can become slightly repetetive, but it still has plenty of hooks to keep you going.. This game has the framework of a great game. There is a nice loot system that allows for loot metagaming, something an ARPG fan will appreciate. Production values are good (other than text and UI being diffiuclt on big screen mode) considering youll spend a lot of time in the hangar squinting at stats and navigating tiny UI windows and buttons...not a huge deal but could use improvement for those of us not playing on a monitor 1 foot from your face.The biggest drawback i see, is what i guess the developers call inertia. In laymens terms there are delays in movement when controlling your ship. Given the pace of the game is slow for a schmup, the trash ships you fight are tanky, your controls of the ship feel sluggish, floaty, and well...boring\/unfun. Sloppy controls is what i call interia. Problem is the developer is hard set on keeping this as if it adds something to gameplay, which it doesnt. It will not change ever. Im the only one who dislikes sloppy schmup controls as well, according to the devs.Given the firm stance on the fact that controls will be sloppy as a feature, im not sure i can really reccomend the game as it wont ever improve the one thing that i feel makes the game unpleasant to play... and it make the gameplay more of a chore than schmup action with a fantastic loot system.If you are not into schmups, or are unfamilair, it might not be a problem. Im assured "skills" can create faster gameplay though movement skills...which is great...but bottom line the gameplay just feels icky with the sloppy controls, which is amplified by tanky trash mobs, and the already slow pace of action.If you imagined a schump where you are ripping through screen fulls of enemy ships, in a high action enviroment....this isnt it....when i complete a mission (missions are extremely short btw which isnt a negative tbh) i dont feel the urge to keep playing because the controls are sloppy by design, the pace is slow, and the enemies are tanky.This game is on the verge of being a great and unique game (ok so upgrades and schmups are not unique...though i feel the loot aspect adds a level of uniqueness)Really hate to see a game in EA where the developers are hard set on the game they are making...like whats the point of feedback if one of the more common complaints (from what i can see) is something they refuse to address?Ill keep popping in the game and update if things change for me over time. Right now i cant seem to do more than one or two missions in a row without wanting to exit out, not because the game sucks, but because it just doesnt feel fun to play...and im not farming for loot and grinding (which i love to do in games) when the controls and combat are not entertaining.Thumbs down for gameplay, though id rate the game maybe a 6 or 7 out of 10...not a bad game...just dont expect schmup action, crisp gameplay, or heart pounding adrenaline while farming for loot...sleepy time combat\/pace\/controls.. The core gameplay is a lot of fun. Flying around shooting stuff feels great and their different ship classes have slightly different score systems which is very cool. That being said, the current progression and loot systems make the game incredibly frustrating. There are too many stats with few explanations that make comparing gear very difficult. A lot of the higher quality gear drops with negative aspects that aren't made incredibly obvious. Some flaws will even cause you to lose equipment if you fail a mission. Good luck beating that boss after having equipment destroyed.I can't recommend Drifting Lands to anyone until the loot system and related punishments are smoothed out.. I've tried several times to get into this game because I enjoy the shoot'em'up genre and it seemed like a good contender. It is not. Your weapons and abilities lack power, it just feels like your poking things once you get past the first few missions. The most disapointing part is that the objective of 95% of the rounds is to simply survive, you don't have to kill anything (not that your weapons are powerful enough to take them down anyway) even "mini-bosses" after a certain period just fly away and the mission just ends anticlimactically.As far as RPG goes, I wouldn't say it is one, the story line is boring and linear.
Drifting Lands Free Download Game Hacked
Updated: Dec 9, 2020