About This Content This is the soundtrack for the bizarre Adventure/RPG Dark Scavenger. It comes with 16 songs including an exclusive bonus medley!Here's the full track list on the discussion forum (slight game spoilers): http://steamcommunity.com/app/293880/discussions/0/620703493323525075/Soundtrack on BandcampDark Scavenger OST: https://psydragames.bandcamp.com/Social MediaTwitter: https://twitter.com/PsydraGamesFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/PsydraGamesTwitch: http://www.twitch.tv/psydragames 7aa9394dea Title: Dark Scavenger - SoundtrackGenre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Psydra Games LLCRelease Date: 23 Jan, 2015 Dark Scavenger - Soundtrack Crack Graphics Fix Quite the mixed bag, in terms of both genre and quality...with a general leaning towards the "zanier" end of things. Some very, very cool tracks, and some a bit more in-one-ear-and-out-the-other-ish. It's a heck of a lot of tracks for the price, though, so I'd happily recommend it to anyone who enjoys a bit of lo-fi, synthy instrumental goodness that spans a whopping variety of moods (including Zappa-esque freak-outs, heartfelt laments, and a smattering of metallic riffage for the cranium-bangers out there). Even better value, suffice it to say, at a decent sale price.Verdict: 8\/10.(PS If you enjoyed this review, feel free to check out my two Curator pages: http:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/curator\/9284586-ReviewsJustfortheHELLofit\/\u200bhttp:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/curator\/10868048-Truly-Horrible-Horror-Games\/?appid=398210\u200bCheers!)
Dark Scavenger - Soundtrack Crack Graphics Fix
Updated: Dec 9, 2020